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God often uses adversity for His greatest blessings.

The word FAITH written in vintage letterpress type

When something bad happens to us, God doesn’t expect us to pretend that it wasn’t evil or act as if it didn’t happen. Many things are beyond our control no matter how capable or talented we are. One of the Bible’s greatest truths is that God can bring about good even out of bad situations. (Rom 8:28), (Gen 50:20) This doesn’t mean it makes the tough situations easier, but it does mean God is with us. He knows what we’re going through right now. He knows how overwhelming it all seems. God hasn’t abandoned us.

Many are affected by the recent government shutdown, now in its 4th week, aside from all the headlines and the politics of who we believe is at fault for this. The fact remains: when we don’t have money, we’re not just broke, but we’re also broken – broken from the stress, anxiety, fear, and doubt that comes from living in financial crisis. With that said, when we seek God in our brokenness, we can find riches that go beyond money that enrich our soul, even when our bank account may be empty. Although God may not answer prayers for financial provision the way we want Him to right now, He wants us to look for His presence in our lives. He wants us to deepen our trust in Him, who faithfully provides whatever we need. So, invite God to meet the need rather than going it alone without Him. We’re building a relationship with Him that will lead to blessings we can’t imagine asking God for, but He gives to us unexpectedly for seeking Him. (Mat 6:31-33) Ask the Holy Spirit to help you to sense His presence and be comforted by it. (Deut. 31:6) (Heb 13:5-6) (Phil 4:6-7)

Embrace the mystery of how God works. He may not tell why He has allowed us to go through this situation. If we keep seeking God, He will strengthen our faith. The apostle Paul made it abundantly clear that without faith, it is impossible to please God. (Heb 11:6-7) We all lack it from time to time, especially when it involves our finances. The Bible outlines four major enemies of faith that we must avoid.

(Heb 11:6-7) We all lack it from time to time, especially when it involves our finances. The Bible outlines four major enemies of faith that we must avoid.

1. Anxious thought or worry (Mat 6:25, 33-34)
2. Fear (Mat 8:24-26) (1 John 4:18-19)
3. Doubt (Mat. 14:31-32)
4. Human reasoning (James 1:5-8) (Prov. 3:5-6)

Be open to whatever God wants to reach us in this season. He is with us and has something to teach us. Ask Him to reveal what He wants you to know.

“Living the Delivered Life”

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